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2023 is the year of 'defense industry'

With the projects carried out within the Turkish defense industry, a series of firsts were achieved in 2023.

2023 was the year of 'defense industry'

The Turkish defense industry, which strives to meet the needs of security forces with domestic and national solutions, to minimize foreign dependence in the defense industry, and to create a surprise effect on the battlefield with new technologies, left behind a busy year.

The Turkish defense industry made its first delivery in 2023 in the field of electronic warfare. Within the scope of the Portable Electronic Attack System Project, the acceptance of the MERTER Back Type Tactical Field Electronic Attack System, which was designed and produced with national capabilities, was completed and the first delivery was made to the security forces.

The "New Altay Tank", which was renewed and reached the mass production stage, was delivered to the Turkish Armed Forces for tests.

2023 was the year of 'defense industry'

Deliveries of the New Generation Fırtına Howitzer, one of the most important fire support elements of the Land Forces Command, continued.

KAPGAN, an unmanned land vehicle developed in cooperation with leading companies in its field, took to the field shortly after its exhibition and performed a firing test for the first time.

ARMA II, the first 8X8 military vehicle with an indigenous engine developed within the Turkish defence industry, was made ready for mass production after a 6,000-kilometre driving test.

Domestic armor steel began to be used in armored land vehicles exported by the Turkish defense industry to all corners of the world.

The first delivery was realized within the scope of the 8x8 Wheeled Rescue Vehicle Project and the 8x8 Wheeled Container Carrier Vehicle (DROPS) Project.

YÖRÜK 4X4 tactical wheeled armored vehicle starts its first mission in Turkey at the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey.

Turkey's first heavy class tracked unmanned armored vehicle ALPAR is introduced.

2023 becomes the year of 'defense industry'

National wings met the sky for the first time

The first flights of the heavy class attack helicopter ATAK-2, the unmanned combat aircraft ANKA-3, the unmanned aerial vehicle Bayraktar TB3 and Turkey's first jet-powered training aircraft HÜRJET were realized.

The first domestic and national helicopter engine TS1400 flew the GÖKBEY helicopter.

The T925 Utility Helicopter was exhibited for the first time at the Paris Airshow.

The national combat aircraft was named KAAN and intensive work was carried out in preparation for its first flight.

Bayraktar KIZILELMA, an unmanned fighter jet, performed a close-arm flight with SoloTürk, a manned jet fighter, in a public air show at TEKNOFEST 2023.

The domestic and national ULAK 4.5G base station was integrated into the ANKA unmanned aerial vehicle and performed audio and video communication with its first test flight.

Wired drone systems with uninterrupted flight, secure communication and the ability to operate without GPS signals entered the inventory of security forces.

HÜRJET made a historic flight with the Turkish Stars. HÜRJET, which can be used as an acrobatic demonstration aircraft in addition to missions such as attack and training, flew with the Turkish Stars for the first time.

New weapons for hunters in the sky

For the first time in the world, a cruise missile was fired from a UCAV. Bayraktar AKINCI hit its target with the ÇAKIR missile with pinpoint accuracy.

The first firing tests of the GÖZDE ammunition, which will be delivered as part of the Modern Ammunition Procurement Project, were conducted from F-16 and Bayraktar AKINCI platforms.

The KKS/ANS guided UAV-230 missile fired by Bayraktar AKINCI successfully hit a point 140 kilometers away over the Black Sea.

Baykar's indigenously and indigenously developed KEMANKEŞ mini smart cruise missile successfully completed its first firing test in Keşan, Edirne.

Bayraktar AKINCI hit the target with pinpoint accuracy in its test firing with the Precision Guidance Kit (HGK), which was developed indigenously and fired from an unmanned aerial vehicle for the first time.

DELİ's and GÖZDE's ready for duty

The kamikaze unmanned aerial vehicle DELİ successfully completed firing tests with a warhead and was made ready for duty.

The GÖZDE guidance kit, developed jointly by ASELSAN and TÜBİTAK SAGE, began to enter the inventory.

UÇA, a guided smart bottom mine that can be fired from an aircraft, was shared with the public, which was created by combining the capabilities of the Turkish defense industry.

The integration of Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan missiles into the PO-III configuration of F-16 aircraft and the first low-scale production procurement of Göktuğ missiles began.

Contracts were signed for the F-16 Block-30 ÖZGÜR-2 and F-16 Block 40/50 ÖZGÜR-2 projects.

2023 was the year of 'defense industry'

Production of 3 national frigates started at the same time

TCG ANADOLU, the world's first armed unmanned aerial vehicle ship and Turkey's largest military ship, was put into service of the Turkish Navy.

Within the scope of the İSTİF class frigates, which are the continuation of the MİLGEM Project, contracts were signed for three new ships, and construction work began.

TCG AKHİSAR and TCG KOÇHİSAR were launched as part of the Offshore Patrol Ship Project, which aims to effectively protect Turkey's rights and interests at sea.

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