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First products of ASELSAN's quantum studies revealed

The first quantum integrated circuits have emerged within the scope of ASELSAN's work on quantum technologies.

The first products of ASELSAN's quantum studies have emerged

ASELSAN established the Quantum Research Laboratory (KUANTAL) about a year ago to carry out studies in the field of quantum technologies.

Preparing Turkey for the technologies of the future, KUANTAL is taking firm steps towards becoming the country's first center in this field.

With the projects to be carried out at the laboratory, which is located on the campus of TOBB University of Economics and Technology, it is aimed to increase Turkey's know-how and technology readiness level in quantum technologies and transform them into domestic and national systems through ASELSAN.

The first products of ASELSAN's quantum studies have emerged

The laboratory is expected to be the only research laboratory in the country and one of the few in the world in terms of its experimental capabilities and research opportunities.

It will be utilized in all technological fields

High-impact research and prototype development activities are planned to be carried out at KUANTAL through experimental infrastructures and academic collaborations with numerous universities.

Focusing on basic technologies in this field, ASELSAN is strengthening its muscles in one of the technologies of the future, such as quantum. The aim is to utilize the gains made here in all areas of technology.

In the laboratory, which constitutes one of the faces of ASELSAN in the civilian field, work on basic science has been completed, while a series of engineering studies have started to be carried out.

The first products of ASELSAN's quantum studies have emerged

Almost all of these studies have application opportunities for all areas in which ASELSAN operates.

In the laboratory, which is in the process of "pre-competitive joint work and cooperation", studies are carried out with researchers and academics in Turkey and abroad, as well as initiatives and companies with capabilities in this field.

Higher performance products will be created

The lab is working to develop products that operate at higher performance than today using quantum technologies.

For these studies, the laboratory has a series of special test environments. During the studies, "absolute zero" degree conditions are created to minimize the effect of thermal noise. For this, work is carried out at temperatures close to -273 degrees Celsius. In the laboratory, studies are carried out at the energy level of the particles that make up light.

Research in the quantum field will allow sensors or devices in existing products to work better. In this way, capabilities in areas such as communication, detection, information systems and cryptology will increase even further.

The first products of ASELSAN's quantum studies have emerged

With quantum systems; structures that cannot be tampered with, cannot be imitated, and can be detected in case of interference are reached. When external listening or measurement is attempted, the proper functioning of the system is prevented and it is revealed that eavesdropping is taking place.

Within the scope of ASELSAN's work on quantum technologies, the first products have also emerged. These include a quantum random number generator and the first quantum integrated circuits.

Stopped brain drain

The laboratory also plays an important role in stopping brain drain and reverse brain drain in a field where qualified human resources are very limited.

KUANTAL has enabled quantum researchers from Turkey, who receive invitations from different parts of the world, to stay in the country. Thanks to the laboratory, some Turkish scientists working in this field abroad have also considered returning to the country.

ASELSAN aims to contribute to the creation of Turkey's Quantum Strategy Roadmap through KUANTAL in the future.

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