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New power in the Blue Homeland: AKYA

On December 27, the AKYA heavy torpedo hit the target with pinpoint accuracy in the war firing carried out by the TCG PREVEZE submarine in the Eastern Mediterranean.

According to the statement made by the Ministry of National Defense, the AKYA heavy torpedo hit the target with pinpoint accuracy in the war firing carried out by the TCG Preveze Submarine in the Eastern Mediterranean on December 27, was followed with great excitement.

Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu, President of Defence Industries Haluk Görgün, Roketsan General Manager Murat İkinci and military personnel watched the firing of the AKYA heavy torpedo from the Command Center of TCG GÖKOVA.

After the final preparations were completed, the AKYA heavy torpedo, which was fired with the command "Bismillah fire free" by the Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces, Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu, sank the target ship with a direct hit from a distance of 12 thousand yards.

"We have taken the AKYA torpedo into the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces"

There was great joy in the TCG Gökova Command Center when AKYA successfully hit the target.

Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu, Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces, said: "Today is a very important day for the Turkish Naval Forces. We have carried out a very successful firing of our indigenous and national torpedo AKYA, and we have taken the AKYA torpedo into the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces."

Reminding that the national and domestic guided missile Atmaca was recently taken into inventory, Tatlıoğlu said, "Shortly afterwards, we will put into service our Hisar naval national and domestic guided missile, which we will use against air targets from our ships. Likewise, we will take our national and domestic mine Malaman into our inventory shortly. Our ships, which use our domestic and national fire control systems, use domestic and national guided missiles and domestic and national torpedoes. May it be auspicious and auspicious," he said.

"We have become one of the 5-6 countries in the world"

Görgün, the President of Defence Industries, stated that a high-tech ammunition was brought to the Naval Forces with a successful firing, and said:

"The heavy torpedo we fired today is a very important and indispensable element especially for submarine warfare. Since it is both difficult to detect and has a very serious destructive power, it was essential for it to be domestic and national. There are 5-6 countries in the world that can do this. Thank God, as a result of the successful firing today, we have brought this into inventory. This will be a very deterrent force for our Naval Forces in the protection of our Blue Homeland and the protection of our rights in the region.

I would like to thank our President, our Ministry of National Defense, our Naval Forces, all the companies that contributed to this project, and of course Roketsan and the personnel of the Presidency of Defence Industries.

"It shows how sharp Turkey's steel sword is in the Blue Homeland"

Murat İkinci, General Manager of Roketsan, commented as follows:

"This is indeed a very historic day for the Turkish Armed Forces, the Naval Forces and especially our defense industry. The fact that our AKYA torpedo from our indigenous and national Atmaca anti-ship missile, which has entered the inventory, is also in the inventory of our Naval Forces really shows how sharp Turkey's steel sword in the Blue Homeland is. We all experienced the justified pride of realizing this with national capabilities here together."

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