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VURAN with indigenous engine starts duty

 VURAN with indigenous engine starts duty

VURAN 4x4 vehicles, in which the indigenous military land vehicle engine TUNA is used for the first time, are being delivered to the Turkish Armed Forces.


The 400-horsepower TUNA engines, developed within the scope of the Tactical Wheeled Armored Vehicle Engine project carried out under the coordination of the Presidency of the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), are entering the inventory for the first time.

The 97 TUNA engines produced by BMC Power were delivered to BMC Defence, the manufacturer of armored land vehicles, during the year. Here, the TUNA engines were installed in VURAN 4x4 vehicles. Acceptance activities have started, and 50 of the VURANs with indigenous engines will be offered to the Land Forces Command. Following this delivery, 40 vehicles will be delivered to the Gendarmerie General Command. Seven of the engines will be given to users as spare parts.

While the delivery process continues, BMC Power is also preparing the TUNA engines to be used in KİRPİ vehicles. It is aimed to produce 10 KİRPİ vehicles with domestic engines in the first quarter of 2024.

Asker TV | Theme BY Asker MEDYA